fairy godmothers markets


fairy godmothers hire stuff

For Hire/For Sale

fairy godmothers Pregnancy & Infant Loss

Pregnancy & Infant Loss

fairy godmothers All-Abilities Playground

All-Abilities Playground

Creating magic with the wave of a wand.

The Fairy Godmothers is a fully registered not for profit organisation situated in Burnie, Tasmania.

Founded in 2013, our main mission is to assist the Tasmanian community and families who have children with disabilities, special needs and medical conditions that require equipment, resources and medical attention. Our goal is to establish an all abilities playground on the North West Coast of Tasmania. A place where children of all abilities can play along side each other.

The Fairy Godmothers have also formed a Pregnancy and Infant Loss sub committee, which provides financial assistance towards resources and equipment to help those who have experienced pregnancy and infant loss within our Tasmanian community.

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